Friday, May 28, 2010

Dear Lord,
I pray that you would give me great joy that can only come from you. Right now it feels like the joy in my life is being sucked right out.....I need your joy and love God.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


My heart is just full us sadness right now thinking about all the hurt that people are going through. That people suffer every day, whether it be a physical need, being abused, starving or anything. This world is in such pain and it just brakes me heart when i hear of people that just hurt or even people that i am close to. I ask myself, why would God allow something so horrible affect a persons life or even destroy someone. Why? But i have to remember that according to Daniel, "All the people of this earth are regarded as nothing. He does as He pleases with the powers in heaven and the peoples if the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to Him: 'What have you done?" This doesn't mean that God doesn't care about us and wants to destroy us or something, but what Daniel is trying to say is that we are just a vapor, dust. We will never be remembered by our own family when we die. So who are we to ask or tell the Creator of the universe. Knows every star by name!!! Do you know how many stars are in our universe???? He created them, He created you and me. So who are we to even come to God with a request? BUT, Jesus died for us on the cross just so we could live with the Creator of the stars FOREVER!! how incredibly crazy is that! He is in love with us! he not only loves us, but likes us. There is a difference. Wow. and that's the God i serve. So when i think that nothing in my life is going right or i see my friends and family hurting so bad, i need to put all my faith and trust in God knowing that He will take care of them. If He can hold the universe in His hand. Why cant he hold our little lives in Him hand also?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ask And You Shall Receive

Today was one of those days that just seemed like everything was great. I am reading an excellent book called This Present Darkness and it is such an eye opener to the spiritual battle that we face every day. It is crazy how much power we have through Jesus Christ. We have the same power that raised Christ from the dead. We have the power to fight and over come demons and especially the devil himself. So this book has really encouraged me and it gives me hope knowing that i belong to God and that He calls me his child and that He will fight for me.

Well, i got my very first "real" job today! So I'm super excited about that. I had an interview today and obviously it went well. hahaha i start tomorrow and I'm kind of nervous that i might screw up but i think it will be ok. It still amazes me how faithful God is. I was praying for a while for a job and i applied at a lot of places and it never seemed to work out. But then this job came about out of no where and i didn't have to search for it. God says "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open to you." So that's what happened to me today! I asked God and just as He promised, i asked and by Him i received.

Monday, May 24, 2010


My heart is full of thoughts and questions that i would love to have answered right now. Don't you just wish that your timing was God's timing? hahaha that's how i feel some times but i know that my Lord's plan for my life is so much greater then what i have for myself. Faith is such a huge thing that i am struggling with. I didn't realize that faith could be so hard until you are faced with a situation that has to have faith and trust in God. Sometimes things in life are incredibly scary or where God wants you to go some place or wants you to do with your life that brings you out of your comfort zone. But I'm trusting that the plans that He has for my life are for the very best. Sometime when i have decisions to go somewhere or do something and i know that God is calling me there, i always ask myself, "Would i look back on my life and wish that i would have taken that opportunity. Would i wish that i would have done that or gone to that certain place." Some things i say yes to. And even though it sounds like the most scariest thing in the world, i know that going through with it would change my life forever. My relationship with the Creator of the world would grow so amazingly, that thinking on that, how would i not want to go. If i would go then i know that i would HAVE to put faith in my God and just by doing that our relationship would grow and for that i would be so truly blessed. So that's where my faith comes into play. To put all my trust in my Lord and know that His plans are perfect for me. He loves me and i know that He will be with me EVERYWHERE i go. Even if that means away from the ones i love so dearly. I need to go because i am a servant to my Lord and i need to do His will because i strive to please my Lord in everything i do!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Being The Manager

I learned something new today (like i do everyday) but i am reading that book that i was talking about "Unexplainable" and it was talking about how we are the manager of our stuff. God is the owner and we are here to keep watch over it and use it for the glory of God. We are here to bring glory to God in everything we do. So our money, talents, gifts, items and even people, they are not ours. We manage them for the Lord. It will give you a whole knew look on life and everything if you think about being the manager not the owner. If you would think that you are spending the King of kings money on something that you so call "need" would you still buy it? Or your talent that God has given you, would you use it if you need it the same way if you realized it is Gods gift to you to use for His glory? Just something to think about. I know that i need to work on this and when i read it, it gave me a big conviction on how i need to change the way i am living and bring God glory in EVERYTHING i do. Its hard, but God is so worth it and He will be there to help us along the way. We are not alone in this battle. He is there with us every step of the way.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

True Love

This day has been really great. Today is Mother's Day and i just want to honor my mother who brought me into this world and has raised me up in the Lord. I am so grateful for her. I think i take my mom for granite and i know i shouldn't. She does so much for me and not only just me but also the whole family. I love my mom so much and she is such an example of a wonderful mother. I am so blessed to have her in my life and i always will be. She is that type of person that is always there for you and is there to give you the best advice whenever you need it. She is an amazing person and the way she lives her life and raised my sister and i, i look up to her so much. I love my mom!

My older sister is up with her husband and she had us listen to a sermon that she gave on a CD. Wow. Did the Holy Spirit speak through her. She was talking about how weak our flesh is and how we need to be on watch and always be in prayer. When we do this, the Lord will reveal what He wants us to say or do. Also, to have complete surrender to God and his will. Not our will but His. She also brought up the fact the Jesus not only went through the horrific suffering of the physical side but also the emotional. He experienced total separation from God and the weight of EVERY sin there ever was and ever will be. Wow. And to think that He did that for me. The amazing part is, Jesus was so incredibly scared, He was sweating blood that's how scared he was, but yet, the love that He has for us and the surrender that He has for the Father, He went through with it for you and me. That is true love right there. There is no greater love then this. I serve this God! The God who knows each star by name. Knows how many hairs are on my head and died for me so that i could spend forever with Him in heaven. That my friends, is true love.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I am watching Tim Hawkins with one of my friends and i was just thinking that laughter is such a gift that God has given us! Laughter is medicine to the heart it says in Proverbs and i am so thankful that the Lord has given us laughter. I love to laugh and laugh with people i love. So rejoice in the Lord and thank Him for all that He has done for you! I pray that you would all have the joy of the Lord and can laugh!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

True Contentment

This world is so catch up in the "I want this and i wont be happy if i don't have this." Contentment is such a struggle for me personally and its something that i desire to have to much. Just being content with where ever i am in life and what is happening in my life. Paul is such a great example of being a model of what true contentment should look like. He said that he learned to be content in whatever the circumstances. Wow. So that means when we don't have enough money of college, friends are letting us down, we are fighting with our family, we loose our job, we get a D on an assignment, we are still suppose to be content with WHATEVER the circumstances. Why? Because we have Jesus Christ. Paul was so content because he knew with all his heart that his Lord loved him so much. I believed that. He accepted that Jesus came to die for him so that he could be with God forever. What more do we want then to spend eternity with our Creator. Paul for the key to contentment. Rejoicing in the Lord always. This is what is going to bring up true contentment. Rejoicing in that fact that we have a Savior that loves us so much, a God that wants to be apart of our lives, a Creator that cant stop thinking about us because He loves us so much. So instead of being unsatisfied with "things" in life. Rejoice, for we have a God that came to this earth, put himself in our level and die the most horrific death possible for you. What more would we want?

There is a book that I'm reading that talks about contentment a little bit and it is amazing. I highly recommend it. It's called "Unexplainable."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I thought just came into my head about beauty in this world. It is everywhere. Beauty is such a huge thing to people and everything. The sad thing is people had distorted what real beauty is. The way God designed it to be. Perfect and left the way He made it. If you think about a flower, that flower doesn't say how unsatisfied it was made or doesn't try and change its beauty because it isn't good enough, its perfect. God designed that flower with such incredible beauty that it doesn't need to be made more beautiful. Same with you and me. We are all perfect the way God made us. We are all full of God's beauty because we are created in His image. What more would we want? We are created in the image of the God who created the universe. That's incredible. So why are we so caught up in this worldly beauty that is so distorted and wrong and not strive for the long lasting beauty that will always stay beautiful. That beauty that God has given us will never fade away if we walk with Him and stay as close to Him as we can. This has just been on my heart because i did a paper on beauty that the world promotes and all the research that i found was crazy how much the media expects of women to have a perfect body. A body that wont last and a beauty that will eventually fade away. As i was reading the other day in the Word i found where God is talking to King Saul when he is suppose to choose the next king. Saul thought he found the perfect looking king. He was well built and just had the look of a king, but God had something else in mind. He had David on his heart. David was just a shepherd boy and not a king looking type at all, but God saw the heart of David and how he was a man after Gods own heart. For man look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. So with this, beauty comes from with in. With Jesus, we have a beauty that the world doesn't have that we need to share. People long to have beauty and love in their life, something that will satisfy. So let's share this Beauty and love with our friends that long for it the most.